• Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing.

  • Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing.

Your heading here

Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing. Donec est est, rutrum vitae bibendum vel, suscipit non metus.

Your heading here

Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing. Donec est est, rutrum vitae bibendum vel, suscipit non metus.

Your heading here

Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing. Donec est est, rutrum vitae bibendum vel, suscipit non metus.

Rest in Peace Tom Clancy

Tom Clancy

Rest in Peace Tom Clancy,

Once I read The hunt for Red October I could not stop putting books down.

Thank you for writing all those magnificent books.

Tom Clancy’s Max Moore is not back in action.

Don’t see the new Tom Clancy book on the tomclancy.com website.

Tom Clancy’s Max Moore is back in action.

Is it just me or is Tom Clancy using an assembly line to push out new books? A new book focused around the Max Moore character is coming out June 5th 2012…

The book is called Search and Destroy.

Can’t wait to read it as I liked the first one.

You can pre-order it from a multitude of sources, just check out his website


Jack Ryan for President

A new novel by Tom Clancy, called Locked On.


Available tomorrow.

Can’t wait to read it!!!


Another new Tom Clancy book: Against all Enemies

Wow, on June 14th you can again read a book by Tom Clancy (although again co written)
You can find out about the book at his official website at: tomclancy.com.

There is also an excerpt of the prologue which you can find here: prologue excerpt

you can buy it on Amazon:

Finished the new Tom Clancy: Dead or Alive

I finished reading Dead or Alive a while back and really enjoyed it, as I enjoyed many of his books. I really like that I can keep following the characters from previous books in this series. Jack Ryan, Jack jr., Chavez, Clark


United States Army Ranks

The following table shows the ranks used in the United States Army. The order of rank is from lowest to highest rank.

Rank/Title Insignia Pay Grade Abbreviation Enlisted/Officer
Private No Insignia E-1 PVT Enlisted
Private E-2 Private E-2 PV2 Enlisted
Private First Class E-3 Private First Class E-3 PFC Enlisted
Specialist E-4 Specialist E-4 SPC Enlisted
Corporal E-4 Corporal E-4 CPL Enlisted
Sergeant E-5 Sergeant E-5 SGT Enlisted
Staff Sergeant E-6 Staff Sergeant E-6 SSG Enlisted
Sergeant First Class E-7 Sergeant First Class E-7 SFC Enlisted
Master Sergeant E-8 Master Sergeant E-8 MFG Enlisted
First Sergeant E-8 First Sergeant E-8 1SG Enlisted
Sergeant Major E-9 Sergeant Major E-9 SGM Enlisted
Command Sergeant Major E-9 Command Sergeant Major E-9 CSM Enlisted
Sergeant Major of the Army E-9 Sergeant Major of the Army E-9 SMA Enlisted
Second Lieutenant O-1 Second Lieutenant O-1 2LT Officer
First Lieutenant O-2 First Lieutenant O-2 1LT Officer
Captain O-3 Captain O-3 CPT Officer
Major O-4 Major O-4 MAJ Officer
Lieutenant Colonel O-5 Lieutenant Colonel O-5 LTC Officer
Colonel O-6 Colonel O-6 COL Officer
Brigadier General O-7 Brigadier General O-7 BG Officer
Major General O-8 Major General O-8 MG Officer
Lieutenant General O-9 Lieutenant General O-9 LTG Officer
General O-10 General O-10 GEN Officer
General of the Army O-11 General of the Army O-11 GA Officer

Warrant Officers

Rank/Title Insignia Pay Grade Abbreviation Enlisted/Officer
Warrant Officer 1 W-1 Warrant Officer 1 W-1 WO1 Officer
Chief Warrant Officer 2 CW2 Chief Warrant Officer 2 W-2 CW2 Officer
Chief Warrant Officer 3 CW3 Chief Warrant Officer 3 W-3 CW3 Officer
Chief Warrant Officer 4 CW4 Chief Warrant Officer 4 W-4 CW4 Officer
Chief Warrant Officer 5 CW5 Chief Warrant Officer 5 W-5 CW5 Officer

Rank Insignia and descriptions are from the following wikipedia page: US Army

Click here to go back to the Red Storm Rising map

Russian Army ranks

The following table shows the ranks used in the Russian Army. The order of rank is from lowest to highest rank.

Rank insignia Enlisted/Officer
Private Enlisted
Efreitor Enlisted
Junior Sergeant Enlisted
Sergeant Enlisted
Senior Sergeant Enlisted
Sergeant Major Enlisted
Warrant Officer Enlisted
Senior Warrant Officer Enlisted
Junior Lieutenant Officer
Lieutenant Officer
Senior Lieutenant Officer
Captain Officer
Major Officer
Lieutenant Colonel Officer
Colonel Officer
Major General Officer
Lieutenant General Officer
Colonel General Officer
General of the Army Officer
Supreme Commander Officer

Rank Insignia and descriptions are from the following wikipedia pages Military ranks of the Soviet Union

Click here to go back to the Red Storm Rising map

Wow, a video trailer for a new book by Tom Clancy

Finally a new novel by Tom Clancy: Dead or Alive

Dead or Alive, is the name of the new novel written by Tom Clancy, it will be out on December the 7th, 2010.

Have a look at his website: Tom Clancy

You can pre order it from Amazon: